How Could the Tenor of â€å“labor Relationsã¢â‚¬â at Your School Be Improved?

Provide trusted security with Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals

Enable seamless collaboration

Boost productivity

Communicate flexibly

Organize your tasks

Provide trusted security

with Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals

G Suite for Education is now Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals — a free suite of easy-to-use tools that provide a flexible and secure foundation for learning, collaboration, and communication.
  • Get started for free
  • Compare editions

Enhance education with free and easy-to-use tools for learning

Enable seamless collaboration

Make it easy for everyone in your school community to collaborate together.

Boost productivity

Give teachers easy-to-use tools to help simplify tasks and save time.

Communicate flexibly

Connect your institution with email, chat, and video.

Organize your tasks

Build to-do lists, create task reminders, schedule meetings, and help keep on top of tasks.

Provide trusted security

Safeguard against digital threats with best-in-class, multilayered security.


Foster collaboration for more impactful instruction

  • Collaborate in real time with Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Sites, and Jamboard

  • Communicate with learners, educators, guardians, and administrators from anywhere with Google Meet, Chat, and Gmail

  • Engage students directly within Classroom to provide clear guidance for doing their best work

  • Enable an inclusive learning environment with individual accessibility settings that fit each student's unique learning style


Empower educators and amplify productivity

  • Help educators save time with Classroom and Assignments by easily creating courses, organizing classwork, distributing assessments, and sharing rich feedback

  • Ensure consistent, transparent grading and feedback with rubrics and a comment bank

  • Help educators streamline workloads by posting and scheduling coursework and building to-do lists in Classroom

  • Guide original thinking and academic integrity with quick scans to flag citation issues in originality reports


Create a secure foundation for digital learning

  • Easily add users, manage devices, and configure security and settings so your data stays safe

  • Stay protected on any device, distribute apps on mobile devices, and limit remote access to any endpoint

  • Safeguard sensitive data in Gmail and Drive with automated data loss prevention (DLP)


Meet rigorous compliance and accessibility standards

  • Retain, hold, search, and export user data for compliance and eDiscovery in Vault

  • Use in compliance with numerous requirements and industry standards including FERPA, COPPA, and GDPR

  • Reach all types of learners with built-in accessibility tools like closed-caption, Screen Reader, braille readers, screen magnification, and more

Student holding a sheet of paper with another student working nearby in front of a Chromebook.

"Several teachers have commented: Where has Google Workspace for Education been all my career? And for many students, Google Workspace for Education has resulted in improved learning and engagement."

  • Google Workspace for Education Overview

    Get an overview of Google Workspace for Education editions and learn how you can help your institution collaborate easily, streamline instruction, and keep the learning environment secure.

  • Education Fundamentals Overview

    Dive into Educations Fundamentals — a free suite of easy-to-use tools that provides a flexible and secure foundation for learning, collaboration, and communication.

Case Studies

See how educators are making an impact with Education Fundamentals

  • Fairfield County students forge a path to success with Google for Education

    Follow Trace, Kashinda, and Mercedez and their progress over the last five years with Google Workspace for Education tools.

  • North Carolina State University makes teaching and learning more collaborative and creative

    To meet students' and staff members' needs, NC updated their email, calendaring, and collaborative capabilities using Google for Education products.

  • Rolling Google Workspace for Education out to 300,000 students with Chicago Public Schools

    Chicago Public Schools made Chromebooks and Google Workspace for Education available to 300,000 students and 25,000 teachers — centralizing device management and inspiring new options for classroom instruction.

Find answers to commonly asked questions

Please visit our comparison chart to review the full feature set included in Education Fundamentals.

Education Fundamentals is the new name for G Suite for Education. If your school is using G Suite for Education today, you don't have to take any action to transition to Education Fundamentals. Your school's experience with our tools, as well as our qualifications for new customers to gain access to them, will remain the same.

Institutions with Education Fundamentals have a shared pool of 100TB of storage, which they can manage and allocate as they see fit. Please reach out to your admin to explore options for additional storage. Please visit our Help Center for more details.

Existing customers of Google Workspace for Education (previously G Suite for Education) will continue to have unlimited storage until early 2022.

Visit our Help Center for more details on Education Fundamentals.

Get Started

Get started with the Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals

Elevate collaboration across your institution with a free suite of tools that provide a flexible, easy, and secure foundation for learning and class management.

  • Get started for free
  • Compare editions

How Could the Tenor of â€å"labor Relationsã¢â‚¬â at Your School Be Improved?


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