Book Review of the Bregdan Chronicles by Ginny Dye

You lot may decide to no longer read my books afterward you read this Blog.  I am okay with that, though I volition exist sad to no longer be a vocalisation in your world. What I am more than sure of, nonetheless, is that I will NOT remain silent in the midst of what is happening.  Carrie would be appalled if I fabricated that pick.  So would Rose, and Abby, and Janie, and ALL the characters that have come to life through The Bregdan Chronicles.

Just earlier I sat down to write this Blog I popped into Facebook.  A mail came up from a new Facebook friend.  It said:

That moment when you are immersed in a historical fiction series (The Bregdan Chronicles) and all your Facebook notifications are relevant to the story… hmmm… what am I supposed to do with this?

My response to her postal service?

First-class question, Paula.  My great promise is that everyone reading will recognize the aforementioned affair – then realize our reactions now will dictate the future for the people who volition be living with our decisions in 150 years.


I am living every mean solar day with the question of what I should exist doing right now, in this time in our country.   I am heartbroken at what I see happening.

A friend of mine was beaten in the streets of California for existence gay.  He is a beloved school instructor.

Another friend is terrified for their child to become to school because they are Muslim.  Mosques are being burned, and innocent people are beingness targeted just for their faith.

Some other friend was invited here because she is a preeminent research scientist specializing in breaking the genetic lawmaking for horrible diseases.  She lives in Switzerland, but is from Iraq.  She had her visa, and was due to beginning work this week.  Until the order banning citizens from her country.  They refused to let her board the plane yesterday – leaving her with no job and no home.

Another friend was sexually groped, and told to deal with it considering she now lives in "Trump's America."

A black family I am friends with had their business firm burned to the ground – with a sign in their front yard that said, "Welcome to Trump's America."

Blackness friends are being attacked and told they need to go back to Africa – they are not wanted in "Our Country."

I accept friends who are fighting the oil pipelines that will destroy our nation – all and so that a privileged few oil barons tin can  increase their profits.  They have been pepper sprayed, blasted with ice water on freezing nights, and beaten.  They fought dorsum against the pipeline and fabricated progress.  All of that has been wiped out.

I have a friend who protested the "vii state ban" last night in Seattle at the drome.  She was thrown to the ground and pepper sprayed.

I am sick…

I accept seen this coming.  I have tried to create enough influence with my books to help keep it from coming.

It came.

Then now I am left with the question of what to do…

On Jan 21st, I marched with 10,000 other women, men and children here in Bellingham.  We marched considering we want to the world to know we will not remain silent.  We will not sit by while Whatsoever homo is stripped of rights.  I will continue to do everything I tin to make a divergence – including writing this Web log.

I made a determination to keep politics off the Facebook pages for The Bregdan Chronicles.  That decision does not extend to by personal Facebook page.  If someone wants to come on there as my friend they will see my truthful behavior and what I stand for.

Surely you don't recall that the woman who created the Bregdan Women doesn't have very strong opinions, and will not take stiff action!

I posted on my personal folio that I was proud to be marching with other powerful women on Jan 21st.  I received a comment that said:

I accept read all your books and loved them.  But let this exist a alarm – if you keep up with this political B.S you will lose more than one-half your readers.

I laughed when I read this, but was immediately sad that someone who had read ALL my books could possibly believe that what is happening in our land is alright.  The threat that I may lose some of my readers makes me sad, simply information technology will certainly not command my deportment.

I exercise not personally believe that anything I am doing correct now is "political".  I've never considered myself very political, and information technology was a mental stretch to learn all I have about politics in writing my books.  I consider myself Contained, and accept issues with both Democrats and Republicans.   I vote for every election, merely have never gotten involved in political issues.  Until now…

If anyone except Trump had been elected as president I would take but watched to run into what was going to happen.  I cannot simply "watch" at present.

I believe nosotros accept elected a dangerous homo who is going to run cruel over ALL the American people – including those who voted for him.  I am not taking action confronting a Republican president.  I'm taking action confronting a man who sexually assaults women, has ignited violence and hatred in our land that takes the states back 150 years, and who is taking unprecedented actions to have control of our government.

I am taking action against a man who is going to do terrible things to ALL Americans – including the ones who voted for him.  He will have no sense of loyalty.  He got what he wanted.  Now he will do what he wants – no matter who gets hurt in the process.

Is in that location a manner to stop the inevitable?  I honestly don't know.  All I know is that I have to try – for everyone in America, and also around the world.

This is my new Facebook banner, and it has go my mantra.

It's and then interesting to watch all this, and live all this, while I'm writing book # x (Walking Into The Unknown).  It'southward and so totally bizarre to be writing about the reasons this is happening correct now.

Remember the post I read merely earlier I sabbatum down to write this?

That moment when you lot are immersed in a historical fiction serial (The Bregdan Chronicles) and all your Facebook notifications are relevant to the story… hmmm… what am I supposed to do with this?

My response to her post?

First-class question, Paula.  My great hope is that everyone reading will recognize the same thing – and and so realize our reactions now will dictate the future for the people who will exist living with our decisions in 150 years.

Whatever your political beliefs I pray you will stand up up for HUMAN RIGHTS.  I pray you will offering a safe place for the millions in our country who are being targeted.  I pray yous will fight to keep America a land nosotros can exist proud to alive in.

I pray you will fight to make an America the Bregdan Women would be proud of.

I can promise you I will be fighting.  I will non remain silent, and I volition accept every activity I tin find to accept!



Accept you lot made me cry?? Or laugh?? Or fabricated me so very glad I have the best readers in the world??

If you've written a review of one of my books, you probably did. 🙂 Every time I go a trivial overwhelmed by the pressures of research or writing, I go to Amazon and read my Reviews. They never fail to give me the motivation and free energy to continue forwards.

As I bring # 10 (Walking Into The Unknown) to life, it would mean the world to me if you lot would go and go out a review for one (or more than) of The Bregdan Chronicles. I will consider information technology a personal message from you lot to me…

I'm even going to arrive easy for you. 🙂

Write a Review for Tempest Clouds Rolling In

Write a Review for On To Richmond

Write a Review for Spring Will Come

Write a Review for Night Anarchy

Write a Review for The Last, Long Night

Write a Review for Carried Forwards By Hope

Write a Review for Glimmers of Change

Write a Review for Shifted By The Winds

Write a Review for Always Forward

Some of the reviews I received this calendar week (they brought such joy to my eye!):

Your offset book was absolutely amazing. The storyline and characters that unfolded before my eyes were then lifelike that I could most experience myself a part of it. I have read every book, upwardly to #9, in this awesome story and have enjoyed each and every 1 of them. I am anxiously awaiting #ten! Thank you for this beautiful story. Please continue…

This is an excellent book series. I cannot write enough most how I have been inspired by its words, stories, characters, tragedies, celebrations, etc. We each have the power to initiate change by our actions. We CAN make a difference and we Tin change the world around us. In the words of Moses in Shifted By The Winds, "..nosotros need to be assuming, only we also need to exist careful……nothing is going to modify overnight…..we demand to accept that." The growth of Moses as a leader is quite extraordinary. In much the same fashion, many characters demonstrated growth and perseverance in etching out their dreams into reality.

Without spoiling the exceptional story lines captured within this book, I would like to share, in my opinion, one of the virtually heartfelt and inspiring passages: Following the tragic death of i of the children within the plantation community—Moses assembled the masses. More than one hundred people gathered from the region to nourish this meeting. Moses inspired the masses to accept charge of their ain future. The words READ and Acquire echoed repeatedly to print upon each person to go the extra mile to get alee! Before very long the unabridged crowd was chanting, "we volition never quit moving forward…" Very cool passage.

Fifty-fifty though I am not a recently freed slave living in post-Civil State of war times—I can make and so many connections from the events in this book to my life now—-every one of u.s. can!! I am uncertain if I am over-analyzing life, or if it's the current leadership of our country, white supremacy and racism in general, the inequalities among diverse groups of people, or what? My question is—did the Civil War ever really terminate? — "nosotros need to be assuming, only nosotros besides need to be careful…"

Nosotros are struggling equally a nation now in Jan of 2017. Each one of us CAN brand a difference where we alive and nosotros CAN change the world around the states. Let united states of america READ. LEARN….so that we find solutions for a meliorate tomorrow! Nosotros will never quit moving forward!!

I really love this series! I love the mode Ginny Dye brings the historical figures to life on the page. The perspective with which she writes this historical novel about the end of the Civil State of war is one that really makes yous feel what the characters are feeling during this extremely hard time in American History. I'g excited to start the adjacent ane!

As always Ginny Dye books are wonderful written. I dear how she brings history to life and makes you feel like your living in that time period. I've learned so much reading her books that I never realized what was really going on during and afterward the civil war. You can not become wrong reading "Glimmers of change". I can't wait to read the next book in her serial.


Thanks for making information technology possible for me to write The Bregdan Chronicles!


Ginny Dye



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