Amazing Koala Funny Story Approachable Celebrity

Chapter Text

When it hits a month to Chay's eighteen birthday Porsche, for once, gets lucky with his life.
He's working as always, serving drinks to his usual clients while chit-chatting with Yok.
She's supposed to be his boss, but after all those years she's more like a aunt, a fun one.

''I was wondering'' He starts, still smiling at the beautiful foreign woman in front of him, he knows he fucked her last week and she probably hopes for more, but today he's a little bit busier ''If I can have a Saturday off next month''

''A Saturday?'' Yok asks, not that she wouldn't give it to him, but they both know it's the day when Porsche earns more tips from customers.

''Yup, my lil' bro turns eighteen''
''He's already eighteen !? It seems like yesterday when you asked me to work here, right before you turned that age''

Yok gives him the thumbs up and the night goes on as usual.
Pretty customers, angry ones, bitter drinks and busy bathrooms.
In those moments Porsche feels at peace, as if being a bartender at Yok's could give him the illusion of a little bit of freedom, the high music overpowering his loud thoughts and doubts.

It's when the night ends that one of his colleagues slides something to him.
''It's from the foreign lady that eyefucked you all night''

Porsche takes what seems to be a sort of envelope with a messy lipstick stamp on it.

I was hoping to have some more but I have my flight early in the morning. Overheard your conversation though, buy your brother something nice, happy birthday I guess <3

The amount of money he has on his hands could cover at least three months of rent.


The day after he comes to pick his brother up from school and when Chay spots him he gives him a suspicious look, after all, is not that often that Porsche comes near the fancy school he's paying for his little brother.
''I'm assuming neither you or I are in trouble since you're smiling?'' Chay tries, while hugging his brother like the personification of a Koala that he is.
Clingy, Porsche thinks, but he likes clingy.

''You're riiight'' Porsche smiles, something clearly hidden behind his back.

''So why are you here? I know how much you hate this place''

''Yes, and I also know how much you love it, but I have something for you''

Chay's eyes sparkle at the mention of something for him, he's just like a puppy and Porsche wishes he could stay that innocent forever.
'' I know your birthday is in a month but... I think you need at least three weeks to mentally prepare for what I'm giving to you''

'' C'mon!'' Chay whines, trying lo look behind his brother's back only for Porsche to put his arms up, his brother might be almost eighteen but he's still not as tall as him.

Porsche giggles at Chay's pout so he pats his brother's head and gives him what he's been hiding all this time.
''Please don't scream'' He softly says, already knowing there's no way Chay will be able to refrain from shouting his lungs out of his body.

Chay happily takes the gift out of Porsche's hands and suddenly his face goes pale.

''You did NOT'' He says, scanning the tickets, not believing they're actually what they seem to be. ''Porsche tell me those are legit tickets to see Cumulus''

Porsche grins as his brother's fully takes in what he's holding right now.

''Oh my God'' he says as he turns to his friend that is still standing where he left him to meet Porsche '' OH MY GOD !?!?''

''What? what?'' His friend asks, a little bit confused by the situation.

''He's going to see Cumulus for his birthday '' Porsche says, amused by his brother's mix of emotion as he scans the tickets, too scared it might be an ugly joke.


'' You're going with him! I got him two tickets but there's no way I'm attending''

Porchay slides the tickets and he finally realizes there's two of them. Porsche knows he'll have to tell him later how the fuck he managed to be able to afford two VIP tickets for his brother's favorite band but for now he enjoys as Chay and his best friend hug and scream as if they just won the lottery.
Yes, there's no way someone could be a better brother than him.


''There's no way someone could have a worse brother than me''
''Oh, C'mon don't be so dramatic, it's just a song''

''It's not just a song'' Kim and Kinn both shout, turning their heads toward Tankhun that was just trying to calm his brothers a little bit.

''Kinn. It's the end of the tour, we're back in Thailand and we're performing at the biggest venue Bangkok could offer. We're playing the song''

''Is that so? Last thing I remember is me, the leader, personally taking it out our tracklist''

Kim tries to take a deep breath to calm his nerves but by the look on his eyes that's not working as he hoped.
''Let me try again, Kinn.'' He says '' Can we please perform the song''

''No.'' And that's it, Kinn doesn't say anything else which is even more infuriating, Everyone knows why he doesn't want to perform the song and no one is asking him to. Kim would sing his, Kinn could even just put his guitar on playback and just stay on the stage to not disappoint his fans but no, he has to be dramatic as usual.

''See?'' Kim turns to Tankhun, one hand brushing his hair back in frustration ''He's not listening! Tell him it's just a fucking song!''

''It's not just a song, to him'' Tankhun says, sipping his ice tea as he sits on their studio's sofa.

''Thank you'' Kinn scoffs as he goes to take his guitar back, not exactly in the mood to rehearse for the concert anymore.

''BUT...'' Khun continues, stopping Kinn from picking up his stuff ''Kim is offering a reasonable compromise''

Kim nods in agreement, not believing that for once Khun is being the reasonable one. He and Kinn are either the perfect team or polar opposite when it comes to everything in their lives. It can be so good to work together when they match but it's fucking hell when one of the two can't take a compromise.

''I'm not letting anyone sing my song''

''our song'' Vegas says as he enters the studio, one hour and a half late, nothing unusual if it wasn't for the mere fact that they have the most important concert of their career in two weeks.

''What a honour'' Kim exclaims ''Not only you're gracing us with your presence but you're also on my side? who would have thought''

''It's not like he's ever been on Kinn's side'' Macau says, joining the conversation from behind his big brother. ''Sorry for today, Vegas came to pick me up from school''

Everyone calms down at the sight of Macau, not because anyone particularly enjoys his presence (apart from Vegas of course) but because it's a reminder of why they're here right now.

''I'd say we don't play My Sun'' Vegas offers, Kim's angry eyes staring at him like he'd gladly punch him silent. ''I finished my song, we can play that instead of that song''

''And what?'' Tankhun inquires ''Hope our fans will take it instead of My Sun, after requesting it for two years?''

''Hope?'' Vegas smirks ''Our fans are gonna love it, no one will ever remember they wanted to hear My Sun once we play the new song I just finished''

Kinn hates to agree with anything his cousin has to say, but if it's the only way to make his brothers stop asking him to play that damn song then he'll agree to whatever Vegas has in mind.
''Is that so?'' Kinn says ''Let us judge then''

And like that, they start playing.
The only moment the five of them can get along and do their magic.



Porsche looks at his brother's pleading eyes, he's never been able to deny him anything but he's finding it very difficult to agree this time.
He should have found it weird already when Porschay had come greeting him directly at the frontdoor.

''Can't you just go with another friend?'' Porsche asks, already knowing the answer. It doesn't hurt to try anyway.

'' None of my friend is a fan of Cumulus! And I can't force Perth to come when he's not feeling well! I doubt he'll get better by tomorrow'' Chay whines, puppy eyes on full display, totally aware of the effect they have on his bigger brother.

''I'm not a fan of Cumulus either, you know''

''Please?'' Porschay asks nudging his brother's arm while they get inside of their house ''I'll teach you everything there's to know about them!''

''Exciting. Really. ''

Porschay runs to his room, where Porsche knows exactly what his brother hides even though they settled on the silent agreement of not mentioning it. The creepy shrine of that band's singer Chay has been obsessing over lately lowkey reminds him of all the kpop fans he used to have as classmates in highschool. While he wasn't an asshole and never made fun of them he didn't imagine his little brother would become one. At least once he gets over it they'll have a cute gay awakening moment to talk about.

''I'm completely ignoring your sarcasms from earlier'' Chay announces, pointing his index finger to his brother ''Go sit on the sofa, it's time for Cumulus class!''

Porsche groans but still, lets his brother accompany to sit on the sofa of the living room while helping him hold the dangerous book and albums that Chay keeps holding as if they were some sacred scriptures.

''Here we are'' Chay explains, carefully putting on the coffee table in front of them some small rectangular pictures and a couple of albums that have the same title but come in different colors. Porsche doesn't understand if they're supposed to be the same thing but with different colors or different things with the same title.

''I changed my mind, you're way more in deep than my classmates were...'' Porsche murmurs, Chay too busy gushing over one particular pic to hear him.

''Welcome to Cumulus 101 with Porchay Kittisawat'' The younger says, a hand on his heart, pride radiating from his body.
If Chay looked so sure of himself when studying maths he could be first of the whole school.

''I suppose I don't have a way out'' Porsche deadpans, all the title of those albums sounds so dramatic but he supposes if Chay likes them, they can't be that bad.

''Those are my most precious possessions, the ones I bought with my own money from the Christmas break part-time job'' Chay announces, showing him three albums, two of them with the same name. '' And those are a couple of photocards I found there and some my friends gifted me my last birthday''

Porsche goes to touch one of those photocards, the only one without a plastic protection and doesn't even register the guy on it before Chay slaps his hand.
''Don't touch Kinn with those hands!''

''Sorry what?'' Porsche asks '' It's just a picture?''

''Mhh-Mhh... Not just a picture'' Chay defends the piece of paper ''It's Kinn's limited edition photocard from their debut's album! Consider yourself lucky you tried to touch him and not Kim''

Chay sounds almost threatening so Porsche stands back and signs his brother to go on with the explanation, while not particularly interested in anything related to this band he finds his brother commitment amusing.

''The albums, we'll let them aside for a moment'' Chay continues ''We'll use them for context while you sit and listen to their music to prepare for tomorrow''

''I have to listen to their album?!'' Porsche is not sure anymore if his brother loves him or not, no one would put a beloved person under this fanboy torture.

''You do! But see, it's not actually three, but two! Those two'' Porschay says pointing at the two albums with the same name ''Are the same album but a different version! I didn't buy the second version though, it was a gift! I'm already lucky enough I could work to get the first version''

Porsche makes a mental note to buy his brother all the version of all the album that he wants, if it makes him so happy and excited.

''It's less than twenty songs don't worry'' Chay says, hoping to reassure his brother. It doesn't sound that promising but Porsche has made peace with the fact that he will have to go to the concert, might as well go prepared.

''All of them are related'' Porschay starts pointing at the guys on the pictures '' Those three are brothers while the other two are their cousins''

Chay gives Porsche the honour of putting near him -but at a safe distance- one of those picture.

''This one is Thankhun, the keyboardist and oldest, he's the one that formed the band but mostly stays in the business part rather than the artistic one! He's shown to be very protective of the other bandmates and he's usually the one that does most of the chit-chat with the fans! Most likely he'll be the one spoiling a comeback or something''

Porsche nods as Chay puts near him the pic he was trying to pick up earlier.
''This one, the one and only you were trying to hold with your unholy hands is Kinn, he's the leader of the group, guitarist and main lyricist, most of the songs are written and composed by him, including My Sun, the song that rose them to fame! But we'll listen to that later! Almost nothing is known about him if not the things Thankhun lets slips sometimes! He's a couple of years older than you''

Chay almost squeals when he holds the next picture and Porsche could recognize him among every single person of the world, his face is everywhere in their house.
''This is Kim'' Porsche says, earning the cutest smile he's ever seen on his brother face ''The handsome singer of the group, cold prince with a secretly warm heart that got exposed by his brother, I suppose Thankhun, when he posted on Instagram that picture of him with a cat that you reposted on your story every single day for two weeks''

Chay nods, almost impressed with his brother knowledge about his celebrity crush
''See? You're halfway there to become a true Cumuluser '' he says while holding the next picture. Porsche knows Chay's not done with Kim, he'll for sure go back to him later.

''This is Vegas, both him, you and Kim are the same age! Vegas studied at an international school so he's the one that does most of the talking with international fans, he's the drummer but lately he's been composing as well! When we get to the storyline behind their music videos I'll explain better''

Porsche is not sure he wants to know anything about any story behind any video, but everything that makes Chay happy he supposes.

''Lastly we have Macau'' Chay says, showing Porsche the picture of an extremely young boy ''Not only he's my age but also used to attend my school before Cumulus became famous, if only I knew better I could be friends with a celebrity now! Too bad we were in different classes before he decided to get homeschooled... He's the bassist, and a very good one!''

Porsche takes a moment to try and register all those informations before setting himself up for trouble ''Now that I know the basics about their roles... do I need to know something else?''

Chay jumps excited on the sofa and grabs his Ipad, a video titled ''theory about the Cumulusverse'' popping up the screen.
Porsche regrets every single decision of his life.


Kinn regrets every single decision of his life.

Vegas' song is good.
Way too damn good for his liking.

The bastard has been trying to come up with a song for a while, fans hyping up the drummer's part of their musical universe.

Pete, their manager since day one, is no younger than him but he knows one thing or two about how this music industry works these days.

When not considering the music there's only two things, aside being good looking, that keeps fan hooked on a band: Tik-tok bangers and theories about music videos.
He has seen this work for a couple of years now and despite the single My Sun being the song that brought them an instant success it was their second main title and first album that, three years back, established them as the new hot topic not only in Thailand but slowly reaching worldwide.

Bullet was supposed to be a secret song, something that he wrote for him and himself only, created to be played and destroyed.
It had been his first and only mistake sending it to Arm, their main producer, thinking it was another song.
It took no time to reach Pete's ears and for him to come with an idea that would bring the group to the success they desperately wanted.

As Kinn looks through the lyrics of Vegas' song he thinks that it inevitably fits the narrative Pete had created and and let to the hands of Big, the mind that has been since the beginning behind the story of every single MV and concept, the man Kinn has slowly started to consider a close friend, he has been there since the beginning after all.
he checks his phone, he's left Big on read for a while now.

I hate to ask you... But Vegas' song is approved right?

Kinn wishes he could type a 'no' out of spite of his cousin and he knows Big would back him up, as he always does. But he can't let his own issue with the cousin affect the success of the group.

Unfortunately yes, I hate to admit that the song is exactly what we need for the next comeback. Couldn't it be Macau's part of the story? I would have tolerated him better...

You know it fits better the narrative.

Kinn throws the phone away, fuck the narrative, fuck his cousin and fuck that stupid musical universe he agreed to go on with.

My Sun, both his pride and his downfall.
He's reminded every single time that he even hears the name of this song how happy it had made him writing it and how devastated he had been the first time he performed it for the public.
When the song promotions ended he swore to himself to never, never sing or play that song ever again.

Bullet is a song emotionally as challenging as My Sun is, but at least it comes after everything that had inspired the first song, he can at least breath when he plays that song, and he's not the one singing it since the main singer is Kim, he only sings the chorus of a couple of songs from B-sides.

All the version of their albums stand in front of his desk, placed right there to remind him where they started and what's missing.

The story they tell through their MVs is not necessary connected to the meaning of their songs but so far has opened various discussion around what those connected videos might be about.
Kinn doesn't know if they'll ever reveal their fans that none of it was planned from the beginning, but he likes to indulge them with this fantasy.

My Sun's MV showed every member of the band going after a faceless figure, not clear if it was meant to be a lover or other some sort of figure they were clearly longing for. While the words of the song were romantic poetry of a time of innocent tenderness, the music video showed how that person betrayed them.

All the songs and music videos after My Sun were darker both in music and in aesthetics. In Bullet Kinn was shown trying to kill that person that betrayed them while Trust, linked to Thankhun, showed how he never trusted him to begin with. And now, in Not My Lover... Vegas has a plan about that song.

Kinn doesn't like to think about it, doesn't like to think that their music will always be linked to what he despises the most.

He still approves of Vegas song, after all they'll have to play it in less than 24 hours.


Porchay is jumping on his feet like a little bunny waiting to be feed.
''Chay, we have VIP tickets, we don't need to stay in line like others''

I spent a month worth of rent on these tickets, that's the bare minimum he also thinks, be he doesn't tell Chay.
His brother, his eighteen years old brother, has never been happier, he's not gonna ruin his mood just because he didn't fall for Chay's celebrity crush.

''I'm going to see Kim live... I feel like fainting'' Chay says, his voice trembling with excitement as he checks the time on his phone once again. It's almost time for the VIP tickets holder to enter the venue and Porsche would be lying if he said he's not a little bit excited himself.

Cumulus might not be his coup of tea but it has been a long time since the last time he has attended a concert and while he might have fallen asleep instead of listening to the group's songs from what he remembers catching of their music it doesn't sound that bad.
The gate to the venue finally opens and Chay hugs him tight, his hands shaking as he catches Porsche's arm to bring them closer to the entrance.
The VIP tickets holders all gather together and get their tickets checked, Chay not once taking his anxious grip away from his brother's arm.

Porsche finds it cute, how Chay managed to grow up and still be able to get excited about those mundane kind of things regardless everything they have been through.
Seeing him smile makes Porsche not regret choosing to dedicate his youth to his brother, he will think about what he wants for himself later, when Chay's future is settled after university.

Despite the amount of people in line with them they end up getting a rather good spot at the standing section under the main stage and Chay beams with joy at the sight of Kim's designated spot on stage.

The first half of a hour passes with a rather new singer introducing the concert and by the time Cumulus are finally ready to perform his brother is two seconds away from passing out.

The lights shut down and a cheer erupts among all the people at the concert, the sound of a bass makes the floor under them shake and for a moment Porsche lets the excitement get to him as well, he claps when Chay does and screams Kim's name just to see his brother jump at the first notes of the songs that's about to be played.

All the band mates gather to the stage and there they are, Kim it's a the center of the stage, a leather jacket hanging on his shoulders as a couple of strands of his hair cover his eyes, he takes a couple of pictures as he knows Chay is too busy staying alive to take out his phone, he'll take the gratitude later.

Next to Kim there's Macau with his bass on the left and Kinn with the guitar on the right, a mic next to him that makes Porsche remember he's actually the second singer of the band.
Behind them stand Thankhun with his keyboard and Vegas with the drums,
All of them dressed in black and red, their signature colors. Light but defined make-up on their eyes just to enhance their already beautiful features.
Is not like Porsche can't understand the visual hype they've gotten for the past couple of years.

Bullet starts playing, Kim glancing over to Kinn every now and then, probably because it was supposed to be his song, a song that he doesn't sing with the brother. Kim's voice is almost too soft for the angry guitar accompanying him but Macau's bass balances the roughness of Kinn's instrument with almost melancholic notes.
Vegas drums echoes through the arena a Porsche feels like anyone could fall on the ground if only the drummer tried to play with a little more ruggedness.

Chay's eyes never leave Kim's side so Porsche takes a moment to record all the bandmates, sure his little brother will regret later not paying equal attention to all his beloved members.
Porsche can't decide which one he likes the best, it's not like he's come here trying to become a fan of the group.

As a couple of songs play the group takes a break before announcing they have a surprise for the fans.
Porsche can hear his brother whisper to himself ''I knew it'' and the big screen behind them turns black, just to light up again with a big image of Vegas that makes the crowd scream to the point of losing their voices.

''Thank you for coming tonight!'' The drummer says, taking Kim's spot at the center of the stage ''As you might have figured out tonight there's a surprise awaiting for you!''

The picture of Vegas behind the group changes to to the title of something, probably a new single, as Chay has already told him before attending the concert.

''Not My Lover'' Vegas reads out loud '' I personally composed this song for the new part of our journey and I've been almost overwhelmed by the response of you all! It's an immense honor to be able to show you what I've been working on!''

The crowd erupts with a chant screaming Vegas' name.
The boy shows them a charming smile, sure of himself but almost shy. For some reason Porsche doesn't miss Thankhun's unreadable face looking at the cousin as if he wishes he could add more.

Chay has told him that Vegas seems to be the shy one, regardless of how much he interacts with the fans, he's almost the most approachable if taken away Macau's extrovert personality.
Porsche doesn't think so though, Vegas looks like someone that know exactly what he's doing and the shy personality the fans have painted on him seems to hide something more to it.

Not that he cares, the notes of the new song stars playing and his attention is back to Chay, how much he's enjoying his birthday, the concert, the song, his cute celebrity crush

''It was never meant to last''

''You're just another one''

''We were never meant to stay''

''I don't care, I don't care''

''Baby, don't call my name''

Vegas' voice, mixed with Kim's one gives the song a different vibe from the other ones they've been listening so far.
If Porsche only paid a little bit more of attention when Chay explained to him the storyline behind the music videos maybe he could understand more the meaning behind it.

Both Bullet and Trust had a lingering feeling of love, anger and compassion between the lyrics and the notes but Not My Lover has left any trace of something good behind.
The lyrics of the song are harsh, cold like stones meant to hurt and denigrate and humiliate whoever this is meant to.
For some reasons Porsche's eyes stops on the guitarist for the first time.
Despite Kim and Vegas' voices combined all he can hear is his guitar, all he can see are his angry eyes.
The leader has never looked more scary but Porsche can't take his eyes away.

This group hides something behind the good faces they put when they talk about their parental bond but Porsche is not sure he really wants to know what this is about.


Kinn is exhausted.
He expected Vegas' song to get all the hype it got so he's not really upset about it but Thankhun's eyes haven't left him since they played Not My Lover and now Kinn doesn't know what to do about it.

There's the meet and greet part of the night to attend and is not like after that he'll give any chance to is older brother to ask, he doesn't even think it's necessary to. He might like to think he's mysterious and cold as much as he wants but no one has ever been able to escape Khun's inquisitive mind.

Pete calls them to inform the group it's time to change to more comfortable outfits to get to the meet and greet area and Kinn's glad he can escape his brother.

They change inside a common dressing room but the air inside the room is cold and silent. Kinn wonders how it is possible for them to play in synergy on stage but be so distant once the music stops. They have the perfect balance when it comes to the direction they want their band to take but out of it sometimes it looks like they're strangers.
Vegas and Macau never talk outside of music, always arrive late and have created this persona for their fans that he knows someday will backfire on them.
Kim, he knows deep down Kim still wishes he could go solo and the only reason he's sticking with them is because of their father... and Khun, Kinn's not sure about Khun's reason for being in the group. He doesn't like either Vegas or Macau, doesn't trust Kim and has never mentioned wanting to be part of a band before Kinn asked him to play the keyboard for them till they found a substitute, a substitute that never came.

When they first started it wasn't like this and while he can't deny that back then his relationship with the cousins wasn't the best as well, it wasn't as stagnant as it is now.

Was it him the one that had changed ? Or has it always been like this ?


Despite the whole arena being full of fans the meet and greet area only managed to host less than 100 people. The band talked about it with Pete and their whole team beforehand and while they'd wish to meet as many fans as possible they ended up settling for only a small amount of meet and greet - vip tickets.

Kinn wonders if he'll be able to recognize any of those faces if one of them ever was able to meet the group again.

''Hello everyone!'' He speaks to the mic, a small tired smile on his face that gets wider as the fans chants his name ''It's been a long time since we've been able to host a concert here in Bangkok, we weren't expecting so many of you to come and fill the arena! ''

He passes the mic to Vegas, a couple of international fans are attending as well, when has their fanbase become so big ?
His cousin says in English the same greeting that he has said in thai and Kinn's heart feels content for a moment, they can do this.

The fans ask a few questions that Khun and Macau are more than happy to answer as the token spokesmen for the group when it comes to fan contents, he's happy to look and laugh as Vegas does the same, maintaining his shy persona that seems to be so liked by their fans.
Kim, as usual, keeps everything to himself even though something in the crowd seems to have caught in interest.

Kinn looks in the same direction his brother has been fixated for the last five minutes and there seems to be a young boy with a small smile jumping happily on his seat. He's next to a bigger, tan guy. Kinn doubts his brother's interest has been caught by the bigger guy as he knows the only thing they have in common is probably liking more soft looking boys.
This one is way too young for his likings anyway but he can see why Kim must find him cute.

Kim seems to notice Kinn has noticed the staring so he looks away, directing his attention to some other random fan.
Kinn smiles to himself.
Kim has always been a prude when it comes to hooking up with fans.
He won't lie and admit he has taken a couple of good looking fans to his dressing room more than once and he knows Vegas has done the same, almost trying to compete on who's able to sleep with more fans.
Kinn's now about that anyway, he's not competing about it, he's just living out the perks of being a good looking celebrity.

The microphone gets passed to him as he realizes someone is asking a question to him.

''Will we ever hear My Sun live? Or is this part of a secret project?'' The fan asks, a little pink haired girl holding a camera that he recognizes as one of his fansites on twitter.

''Wouldn't it ruin the possible secret if I told you?'' He answer with what he hopes comes out as a soft tone.
There's no intention of performing that song ever again, not even in the slightest, but he cannot tell his fans that.
First of all he would destroy their heart and second of all Pete would straight up kill him.

The fans seem to like the answer, most likely thinking this is a sort of a confirmation of a secret project or something.
Kinn says nothing more on the matter, if this makes them happy then he has no reasons of crushing their hopes.

The meeting with the fans comes smoothly to and end leaving only the final part when they get to have something singed by the group.

The fans come one by one on their large table, someone gives them small gifts, someone asks for their albums to be signed and a few people even cry telling them stories about how their music comforted them during hard times. Kinn wonders how a song about killing your past lover could cheer up someone but maybe some people, just like him, find comfort in angrily wishing the people that betrayed them to die.

He sees the young boy his brother had eyed during the meeting getting in line and his focus switches on Kim, curious to see if he had just zoned out in his direction earlier of is he truly stared at the boy during the meeting.

Said boy gets to talk to Macau first, he says something about graduating in a few months from the same high school of his cousin and how he wishes they could have met when Macau was still attending. Macau mention actually remembering him because he used to ace every single test of one of the teachers they had in common and the poor boy looks two seconds away from fainting.

Next he talks to Khun. his brother claps excited when the boy gifts him two pins of Elizabeth and Sebastian, his pet carps and Kinn has to compliment some of the fans for the gift ideas they have.

Finally the boy gets to him but he's completely focused on Kim that's the next in line.
Kim is staring at him as well.
The interest must be mutual then, Kinn smirks.
He purposely keeps the boy to talk to him a little bit longer, just to see his brother growing impatient.
The young one introduces himself as 'Chay' and tells him he wants to become a guitarist as good as he is and those are the comments that always win Kinn over. He sings his album and then lets him free to finally talk to Kim.

It's almost cute how his brother looks even more cold when he's actually shy.
Chay radiates sunshine from his entire body as he get to speak to Kim and he's sad Khun's too busy to talk to the next person in line to notice because it would be so funny to see him tease their little brother (just so they can avoid the My Sun discourse ) but he supposes he'll keep this moment to himself.
Kim smiles a little to the boy when he tells him today his is eighteen birthday and he got the ticket from his amazing big bro, he even sings Chay happy birthday and a few fans witnessing the scene murmur something among themselves, they must be extremely jealous right now but Kim seems to not care at all.

Chay has to say goodbye to his brother, promising he'll try to come back to the next event and asking Kim to remember him when they meet again, he's cute he has to admit that and he has a feeling his brother will remember him.

The boy is about to speak to Vegas when the next person in line gets to him.
He vaguely registers him as the tall guy that came with his brother's fanboy and sings the album he got with him. Tall boy doesn't say anything and Kinn doesn't particularly care, trying to catch his brother's smug face when Chay doesn't show the same radiant smile he had for him to Vegas.

Kinn doesn't even notice tall, tan boy talking to Kim, Thankhun has notices a fan's outfit and is now blocking the line asking her where does she go shopping.
There are only a couple of people left so the team doesn't urge her to hurry.

Vegas laughs out loud, bringing Kinn's interest back to him, he's talking with the tall boy who he supposes being Chay's big brother.

''So you're not really a fan!'' His cousin says to the boy.

''I only came here because my brother's friend ditched him! I was till assigned to bring here his album and make you all sing it!''

Vegas hums, actually signing the album with his flashy silver pen, flashy as everything he does to sneakily stand out.

''He told me his favorite song is whatever Kim sings and writes'' Vegas teases ''Do you have a favorite one? If you listened to anything before coming here of course''

The boy seems to really think about it for a couple of seconds resting his hands on his hips, his white shirt sticking to his waist.
Kinn looks at him up and down, not his usual type at all but then the boy smiles when he settles on an answers and he can't help but think he's somehow cute.

''Maybe Not My Lover, I don't know, it has a different vibe from the rest of your songs, my brother had me listening to everything''

Vegas looks pleased, extremely so, the bastard thrives under compliments and praises, especially when they come from people he finds hot.
And there's not doubt this boy looks objectively handsome.
Tall, tan, lean, white tight shirt that compliments his skin tucked inside the high waisted jeans squeezing his small waist. His perfect soft looking hair compliments hi smile, the perfect accessory to make him look like the perfect 90's young movie star.

''Since it looks like your brother already has favorite one, can I wish to see you the next concert? Maybe you'll have a favorite one as well?''

''I don't know'' The handsome boy says '' I work a lot, don't have a lot of free time''

Kinn somewhat feels satisfied by the boy not reciprocating his cousin's flirt but Vegas doesn't seems discouraged.

''Can at least get your name, lover boy?''

''Kinn mentally face palms himself at the nickname, did it really take the boy to compliment his song for Vegas to try and sneak inside his pants? Was he trying to piss Kim off by fucking his fanboy's brother?''


''Porsche...'' Vegas repeats, finally letting the boy go.

Kinn follows him with his eyes, Chay hugs him and they both the out of the venue.

The rest of the fans in line finally get to have their albums signed and slowly Kinn forgets about the two brothers. It was a nice interaction but this is all they will get.


Vegas is scrolling through twitter, saving some pictures from their recent concert on his phone.
Macaus sits next to him, mindless playing on his nintendo switch some games he doesn't know.

He sees a picture of that Kim's fanboy and shows it to his brother.
''Do you remember him?''

Macau looks up and reaches to Vegas' phone.
''Ohh, yes, Porchay or something... I actually remember him from school, he scored first on everything but math, the teachers loved him. Didn't Kim sang him happy birthday?''

Vegas nods ''Yup, I tried to fuck his brother to piss Kim off, didn't work though''

''Ouch'' Macau mocks him ''Not everyone is interested in you I see''

''No way'' Vegas says in English, still looking at some pictures ''He's probably unfortunately straight''

''You usually don't pick fights with Kim'' Macau notices, turning off his game to look at his twitter notifications as well, Vegas knows that when he gets bored he talks to fans, these days it's his favorite pastime.

''Kinn is becoming difficult to piss off '' Vegas admits '' But if I annoy his brothers I know I'll make him upset to death''

''You should find more useful pastimes you know?''

Vegas shrugs, he has plenty of hobbies, but nothing compares to Kinn's distress.

''Oh! Look at this'' Macaus says, sending something to his twitter account ''Isn't it the guy you wanted to fuck?''

Vegas opens the link and there it is, a post from someone that he recognizes as one of his most loyal fans.
It looks like she's made a new hashtag that in a couple of minutes is taking over the fandom.

He clicks on the hashtag and his signature smirk, one that his fans would never guess could appear on his otherwise angelic features, appears on his face.

''I think I just got an idea''


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